Friday, June 20, 2014

Real GIRL Talk : Time of the Month and Birth

Hey you, yeah you, thanks for stopping by for a little read. As you might have noticed, this is my first blog entry and I am very new to all this blogging stuff. I would like to write stuff about things things that i have went through and things that only girls go through and things that people go through in general. So please leave any suggestions for topics to talk about, anything from serious discussions to light topics, from depression to facing your fears by jumping off a bridge.

Sorry for all that rambling and now i can get into the topic that i actually wanted to talk about. Periods. We all get them, except if your a boy. Be honest with me, these are the days that we all hate being a girl, am i right? Every time i get my period, i always say to myself that i hate being a girl. Come on girls, you know what i mean. Theres blood everywhere, anytime you wipe you see blood, when you shower theres blood, just dirty, nasty blood everywhere. And sometimes in the day while your just chilling theres this thing that comes out all at once, and you know what it is, its this nasty looking jelly-like of blood that just comes out of your vagina. So men out there, please give us girls a little more respect and be gentle with us, were just in a fragile state even a couple days before our periods come. Even I have mood swings, 2 days earlier before i had my period i was feeling really cranky and wanting to snap at everyone who tried to talk to me. I would love to see a boy go through what we have to go through and see how long they can last and try to compain about being a boy then.

Having periods are so gross and unhygienic and it stinks and it makes everything hurt and you just want to DIE. Sometimes I just wonder why do only girls have to get periods, why do boy have the easy life? WE have to do all the cleaning and cooking and give birth which to me, seems like the most painful thing i have ever seen and heard. Yeah, theres more painful things out there, it must be, but when giving birth, our vagina gets ripped in the process of this "beautiful" birthing of a child. I dont see how a vagina getting ripped open is beautiful.

Well, anyway, i know this blog post is very messy and very unorganized and maybe even bad. Please dont send hate, just tell me what i can work on because this really is my first time writing a blog and for my blog i dont want any kind of spelling correction cops. I want my blog to be free and i can just write what im feeling and write it however i want but please do tell me what i can work on or what i can talk about on my next blog, but thank you for reading! Have a great day everyone!! xoxo